Saturday, September 26, 2015

Christchurch Updates

Spring is officially here with baby ducks, daffodils, garden plants for sale, cherry trees in blossom and spring daylight savings time starting tonight.

We continue going to local markets.  One is the Sunday Riccarton Raceway Market – more of a flea market/fair atmosphere, with food vendors, music, kids play areas and lots of families.  We saw potato swirls on a stick (we’re sure these are at the Minnesota State Fair).

Potato swirls on a stick
One of the activities at the University eco week was the ClimateKilometre Grand Parade.  Only in Christchurch would an inflatable penguin on a skateboard and a wizard be in the same parade.

Cindy continues to go on weekly ventures with the women’s tramping group.  This past week they went to Sumner, a coastal suburb of Christchurch, climbing up Flower Track to Taylor’s Mistake and on to Boulder Bay.  Several original baches are built into the cliffs here, but many are no longer usable.  A bach (pronounced "batch") is a small holiday or beach house.

At the end of the week we headed to Hagley Park to the daffodil gardens.

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